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Organization Contest Rules

1. Organizations may change selections between District Contests and State Festivals.
Directors must furnish three scores of each selection to be performed.  If the director does not provide scores, the group rating will be lowered by one step.  However, if emergency photocopies of the scores can be made for the judges, and if the director can provide proof of owning these scores to the District Chairperson by the following Monday, the violation will be lifted and the group’s original rating will be restored.  The measures shall be numbered. 
3. Photocopied music may be provided to adjudicators only in an “emergency.” An emergency shall be defined as a case in which music is out-of-print with no new score available or purchased music copies are backordered. Written evidence in the form of a school purchase order and/or a written statement from the supplier shall be required to document the “emergency.” The penalty for violation at the District Contest shall be lowering of the rating by one step. E-Print Music may be used but must be labeled or a receipt shown to indicate it is not a photocopy.
4. No organizations shall warm-up in homerooms or the performance area.
5. Adjudicators shall be supplied with a comment sheet upon which they shall record helpful criticism. Personal comments to the director shall be placed on a provided “optional” sheet.
6. Adjudicators shall be instructed to give ratings consistent with their markings on the adjudication sheets.
7. Organizations shall not be marked down for stage entrance or exit.
8. Students participating in District Contests and State Festivals shall be identified by nametags or some such manner so that they may enter the performing area to hear other groups without paying an admission fee.
9. Students shall not wear medals while performing in District Contests and State Festivals.

10. Selections previously used in District Contests and State Festivals by an organization may not be used again until two years have intervened.
11. The use of electronically recorded accompaniment is prohibited in District Contests and State Festivals with the exception of instrumental accompaniment for a Swing/Show Choir.
12. At District Contests and State Festivals, directors may proceed through the three selections at their own prerogative. This will include bands, orchestras, choirs, swing/show choirs, and jazz bands. There need not be a pause or waiting period between numbers for adjudicators to write comments.
13. Commercial videotaping of organizations at District Contests and State Festivals must have the written prior permission of the director. Placement of video cameras must be indicated in advance of the contest.

1. Bands, Jazz Bands and Orchestras will not exceed 30 minutes in the warm-up or performance areas.
2. The performance of a piano part by an adult in an instrumental organization shall not be allowed at Contests/Festivals.

Concert Bands
a. All Concert Bands will be required to play a march and two selections other than marches.
b. Risers shall not be used at Band Contest Sites at the District or State level.
c. The use of electronic equipment by the Concert Band is prohibited unless indicated by the score.

a. Orchestras will play three selections, one of which may be a string selection. String Orchestras shall be permitted to participate as an organization.
b. Risers shall not be used at Orchestra Sites at the District or State level.
c. The use of electronic equipment by an Orchestra is prohibited unless indicated by the score

Jazz Bands
a. Jazz Bands shall perform three selections, two of which shall be in contrasting styles (swing, ballad, rock, Latin, etc.).

1. Chorus and Swing/Show Choirs will not exceed 20 minutes in the warm-up or performance areas.
2. Chorus and Swing/Show Choirs will perform three memorized selections. All selections will be judged.

a. Choral Organizations shall be classified by grade level.
b. Fourth-ninth grade groups must sing at least two-part music with these exceptions: groups including exclusively 8th and 9th grade groups must perform at least one selection in three or more parts; groups including exclusively 4th-6th grade groups may sing one unison selection.
c. Voicing of the choir shall be indicated on the choral adjudication sheets as either treble, boys or mixed.
d. The accompaniment is optional.

Swing/Show Choirs
a. Of the three selections, Swing/Show Choirs perform two selections of varying style, with choreography.
b. Swing/Show Choir music must be at least two parts and may be three or four parts except for those choirs composed of sixth grade and younger students who may perform in unison.
c. Swing/Show Choirs may be accompanied by a combo consisting of adults and/or students. The combo shall not be judged or presented medals.

d. Swing/Show Choirs may use recorded instrumental accompaniment at Organization Contests/Festivals.  Swing/Show Choirs choosing to use recorded instrumental accompaniment are responsible for providing their own audio equipment.

1. All organizations shall be rated in three divisions: Division I, Division II, Division III.
2. Although no specific rating will be given by the adjudicator for instrumentation, any wide deviation from the norm in that respect will affect the general rating to the extent it affects the balance and general effect of the performance.
3. The final rating for all organizations shall be the majority of the adjudicators’ final rating. Organizations receiving a I, II, and III will be rated Division II.
4. The posting of organization ratings shall be uniform. Only the final Roman numeral rating shall be posted.

1. District Chairpersons will request estimates of the number of entries directors plan to send to District activities. (Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Swing/Show Choir, Jazz Band, Solos, Ensembles)
2. District Chairpersons will send each school the requested number of entry forms.
3. The deadline date for District entries is set by the District Chairperson. Entry Forms and District Contest fees are sent to the District Chairperson.
4. Each District sets its own dates and sites for its contest. A LOCAL District Contest chairperson will organize the particular contest and send the directors a detailed brochure including date, time schedule, site location and directions to the site.
5. Each District shall be allowed to organize clinic sessions in accordance with the wishes of the District directors.
6. Immediately upon conclusion of a District Organization Contest, the Contest Host shall fax the results of said contest to the Secretary-Treasurer, using the forms provided. The results shall include a full summary sheet of adjudicators’ scores and final ratings. Organizations receiving a First Division rating at the District Contest are eligible to participate in the State Festival.


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